A vision around the future & identity - for Egypt

A vision around the future & identity - Egypt

Author : Salah El Din Mohssein


We did not liberate Palestine ... nor did we keep our lands  completely undiminished 

Nor did we rise as India, China, Japan, Singapore and others did 

The sacrifices of the Egyptians for the sake of Palestine and Arabism are not grateful, but rather denied 

Nor is the Egyptian = Arabic in the first place .. Rather, Arabism and its Islam are an obligation on the ancestors, imposed by the sword, by the tribute, by striking the ... and by threatening to cut off the tongue of those who speak in a language other than Arabic 

The Egyptians must know their identity: North Africans from  the Mediterranean basin 

As for the Palestinians, they are Arabs, and the Hebrew Jews are their cousins, and they have to solve their problems among themselves 

And because most of Egypt's border problems since thousands of years before history come from the East

The solution is to initiate and accelerate the digging of the Rafah Taba canal - before Israel and Jordan undertake a similar project under consideration

To connect the red to the Mediterranean from the side of the Gulf of Aqaba - in addition to the fact that that canal will strengthen the Suez Canal - it will be a great waterproofing that protects Egypt from the ravages of what it used to come from the east. Stop the evil of wars and conspiracies

And all those who say that they are Arabs - from the Gulf to the ocean -: Congratulations to them alone, that Arabism with all its glories and grandeur. No competition, no race  


---This topic was published by me in Arabic. As a commentary on an article by an Egyptian writer and activist - an adherent of Arab nationalism and the politics of the late lrader " Gamal Abdel Nasser"  Posted on 9-29-2020. With the following link:


