وما نفعه التملق


علي أمل في أن يحصل علي أصواتهم الانتخابية , و ألا يقوموا بأعمال ارهابية في فترة توليه رئاسة الوزارة الكندية .. " ترودو " يؤدي الصلاة مع المسلمين :

(( يوم 19 أكتوبر عام 2015، أصبح ترودو رئيس وزراء البلاد وأدى اليمين الدستورية يوم 4 نوفمبر 2015. ))

ترودو .. يخطب بداخل مسجد اسلامي :

صلاة العشاء مع المسلمين خلال شهر رمضان من عام ٢٠١٣.

ويشارك المسلمين افطارهم :

  - Aug 17, 2017
  جريدة اليوم السابع  17-8-2017

A list of Canada’s terror incidents and attacks


Trudeau labels question about putting returning ISIS jihadis in jail as “Islamophobia”

This is a classic example of how the “Islamophobia” smear works. Scheer asked: “When will the Prime Minister take the security of Canadians seriously and look for ways to put these ISIS fighters in jail?” Trudeau answered that the Conservatives “ran an election on snitch lines against Muslims, they ran an election on Islamophobia and division, and still they play the same games, trying to scare Canadians.”
In other words, it’s Scheer’s fault, and he is a bad person, for being concerned about the security of Canadians. The very concept of “Islamophobia” is a war-on-reality term designed to intimidate people into thinking that it’s wrong and bigoted to oppose jihad terror. The security question is real, and the concern is real, but Trudeau is saying that it is some moral defect on the part of Scheer and the Conservatives to be concerned.
This strategy could easily blow up in Trudeau’s face, but even then he will double and triple and quadruple down, and claim that the Conservatives’ “Islamophobia” is what drove the returning Islamic State jihadis to jihad.
