selected message from my E.mail box
Subject: America needs you, Salah
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 14:23:12 +0000
Unite to Fight for America's Security
President Obama has stated he wants to bring in more than 100,000 Syrian refugees starting this October. The pro-refugee groups are hosting a Rally for Refugees on August 28th in Washington, DC in an attempt to soften up Congress to Obama’s dangerous recommendations. The UN General Assembly will also be hosting a high-level summit in New York on September 19th to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.
I cannot stress enough to you about the importance of America’s security. That’s why I do what I do day in and day out. That’s why you remain in the trenches and active within your community. Salah, America is about to be flooded with hundreds of thousands of “refugees” who cannot be properly vetted. America needs YOU -- now more than ever.
President Obama may be sending in his recommendations on the number of refugees we take in, but it is up to Congress to actually appropriate funds for them. We must put pressure on all Members of Congress and now. There is not a moment to waste. We cannot simply stand idly by while more than 100,000 unvettable refugees are escorted right into our towns across America.
This is absurd and dangerous. As Americans, we MUST take action.
The good news is that you can do something about this. You can urge your member of Congress to take the actions necessary to help protect America. You can be part of an enormous choir of "NO" to unvettable refugees coming to this country. Join us in Washington, DC this September 6th and 7th to express your strong concerns to your federal legislators.
The U.S. Congress MUST hear from as many constituents as possible about this important issue and you can be in an environment where your voice truly matters.
Here's the really great news: Due to the upcoming pro-refugee rally in DC, we have now lowered our rate to an astonishing $229 per person to attend ACTCON 2016 - from today until the National Conference begins. This is an unprecedented conference rate, but this is an urgent matter. We must have as many people as possible speak out to federal legislators about unvetted refugees coming to our towns and communities.
Enough is enough.
Salah, America needs you if we truly want to save this great nation from those who would like to see us become like Europe. We are not Europe. We are America. We fight to protect our homeland and we do not allow people in power to make decisions that could ultimately lead to our demise.
We are every day Americans. We are Orlando. We are San Bernardino. We are Chattanooga. We are Boston. We are Fort Hood. We are America.
Now is the time to rally and unite as one in Washington, DC. This September 6th and 7th is your opportunity to and continue carrying the torch of liberty so that our voices are echoed loudly throughout the halls of Congress.
Register for ACTCON 2016 today for ONLY $229 and make a stand, for America! If we do nothing, the nation we love and admire is in danger of falling to an ideology that is hell bent on the destruction of Western Civilization.
We can't allow that to happen.
We need to take action now and urge our elected officials to stop this politically correct catastrophe.
Join me and the rest of the ACT for America team in Washington, DC this September 6th and 7th. I hope to see you there.
Always devoted,
Brigitte Gabriel
Founder & President
ACT for America
(( رأينا. تعليقاً علي الرسالة : علي أمريكا , بدلاً من استقبال 100 ألف لاجيء سوري . أن تأمر وكلاءها بوقف تمويل داعش . واصدار الأوامر لهم بتسليم أسلحتهم . وتكاليف استقبال المهاجرين . تدفعها أمريكا لاعادة اعمار ما خربته هي ووكلاؤها - وباقي أطراف التخريب : ايران والنظام السوري وروسيا وتركيا - في المدن السورية . ويبقي السوريون في بلادهم . والاتفاق مع روسيا لفرض نظام علماني ودستور مستمد من قوانين حقثوق الانسان الدولية , كالذي تم فرضه علي اليابان بعد هزيمتها في الحرب العالمية الثانية - صلاح )) ..
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