Do not punish peoples with the foolishness of the leaders

Do not punish peoples with the foolishness of the leaders

Author :  Salah El Din Mohssein

The policies of any rogue ruler. To be associated with an economic blockade will only harm the people. The stupid, reckless leaders are holed up in the laxaure Palace  . And his needs will be sent to them by his ambassadors abroad in the diplomatic bag
and all the woe is on people's heads 

An Iraqi woman told me that she, like many Iraqis, had to take expired medicines at the time of Saddam Hussein because of the economic embargo imposed by the United States on the whole of Iraq.

We have heared a lot about the death of many babies in Iraq, because of the lack of milk due to the economic blockade. brought by Saddam Hussein's policies 
 Did Saddam and his aides in power have to take expired drugs? Or they had children - children or grandchildren died for lack of milk. Because of the Economic siege
Or did they get all their needs in a thousand ways and with ease. Who's behind the back of the siege? The people face international humiliation and death -- by siege -- in addition to what they are taking from saddam Hussein's rule 
the right is punishing the rogue rulers without the oppressed peoples with them and crushed by their policies. they pains are enough   
 ??? Does the international community not know how to punish rogue rulers without peoples 

 Freeze their assets and belongings abroad. And stop them from acting on it 

Prevent the publication of their photos or mention their names in media 


 Prevent them from attending any international conferences as representatives of their country 


Prevent the export of weapons and the closure of the port of purchase from the black market of the weapon 

Slow measures in the face of leaders of groups and terrorist organizations are terrorism. How from time to time did they wake up to the news that Europe or America is looking to (think) of being considered a state as a sponsor of terrorism. While the peoples of the world have known that fact for decades, the security of those peoples and their countries has been undermined for so long time
(Omar al-Bashir - the deposed dictator of Sudan - was wanted by the International Court of Justice, and he flew to more than one country for official visits and conferences. He returned to his country safely ! ..he went to Saudi Arabia .. which has American bases .. and he went to African countries that are a member of the United Nations. Abroad: A visit to his counterpart and his counterpart in crimes: the Syrian president ... and Syria has Russian bases and American forces ... and Al-Bashir returned safely  
Without Russia or America moving to arrest him and hand him over to international justice. For what he committed crimes against humanity - even if by ambushing him .. Even indirectly, attributing it to one of the militias or armed groups present in Syria - 

The strange thing is that after the rule of Omar al-Bashir fell in the revolution of the people of Sudan ... more than one country in Africa and Asia volunteered to offer political asylum to that required for international justice
! ..
With whom do these countries - large and small - and those governments work !? With international law and international legality operate? Or with whom 
?? )
