Against peace of the world

  .       The great nations . US & allies, and Russia .. are working against the peace of the world. Since several decades ago

The focus of tension and terrorism, exist in the Middle East -  the Arabic-speaking countries -
America used - and its allies prefer friendship of  countries of that region with  radical regimes which  Known funded international terrorism ) Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States       (
  Russia and choose friendship with countries with military dictatorship regimes (Nasser, Hafez al-Assad and his successor, Bashar,  Jaafar Nimeiri - the late dictator of Sudan - Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr. Iraq coup leader, and his heir  Saddam Hussein  . Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre - Somalia - , Haile Miriam - Ethiopia –
All of them are a military commanders raped the rule. Humiliated and conquered people .And they destroyed their countries . Russia had chose them a friends. And still adheres to friendship of  Bashar al-Assad.  The heir of the last Gen. monster dictator Hafez al-Assad .  

 Unfortunately .. rulers major powers (America, Europe and 
Russia) are working against world peace ..

     .Oh all  peace-loving nations .. Beware  
       Author : Salah El Din Mohssein


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